How We’re Different

All calls are answered by the funeral director / owner 24 hours every day. Your visit to the funeral home begins with a large covered “Walton’s Style” porch that offers comfortable seating. The facility features a large and spacious chapel with an abundance of seating. There are multiple other rooms with a home style atmosphere for relaxing, conversation and reflection. Our in house public address system allows family members and friends to take part in the service from any location in the building. As the seasons and holidays change throughout the year, the funeral home is decorated to reflect the particular occasion. These are some of the things that make Hall & Stone Funeral Home a more personal, rather than commercial, environment.

Hall & Stone Funeral Home is situated on 2.7 acres of land, thus offering a park-like setting to the property. Quiet and privacy prevail since our building is set back a considerable distance from the main roadway. It is surrounded by many beautiful trees, bushes, green plants, and flowers along with a spacious lawn. Ample well lit off street parking is provided.

Last, but certainly not least, under my guidance the building has undergone much redecorating and renovation. Improvements such as painting, new furniture, lighting fixtures and carpeting, just to mention a few.

Our Funeral Home is located conveniently near downtown Harrisburg, PA